Monday, March 8, 2010

Why do we consistently fail victims of crime in the US?

We, as a local community and as a nation, have failed. 
Chelsea King is dead. Amber Dubois is dead. Are there others dead too by the same predator's hand, perhaps a "bad kid" whose disappearance was overlooked and scoffed at by media and law enforcement?  Other children all over the US are dead, or have gone missing; don't even get me started on the system failing Jaycee Duggard.

We need to change the legislation regarding sex offenders and their sentencing. We need to revamp the classification system too...I'm sorry, a guy who whizzes on a dumpster at 2am is perhaps gross and crass, but is not, in most cases, a sex offender. An 18 year old that has consensual sex with his 17 year old girlfriend is not a sex offender; I think that statutory rape should be done away with and that parents need to realize that sometimes, their kids make dumb choices. It's not fair to send a boy away or ruin his life, labeling him a sex offender just because a parent doesn't want to face the fact that their daughter CHOSE to have sex.

Date rapists, child molesters, rapists, creepshows that like to publicly masturbate repeatedly (trust me, you are a victim if a guy leaps out and whacks it, and ejaculates on you)...these people should be labeled as sex offenders. We, as a judicious society should damn well listen when a psychiatrist says "this person should not be let out...he is a danger to underage girls".

I think that, following the exhaustion of all appeals, since we have been known to incarcerate and even execute the innocent, that real predators need to be locked up long term. The recidivism for sex offenders (and other violent criminals) is high, though I'm not sure the statistical percentage. We have a three strike law for people busted with pot too many times, yet violent animals like this walk free.

Discuss, share your ideas.

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